TNT Numbers 2024 – List of TNT Network Prefix Numbers

TNT numbers, commonly known as the TNT prefix numbers, are the first four digits of the 11-digit phone number issued by TNT (Talk ‘n Text) to its subscribers. In other words, it is a unique identifier used by TNT to easily identify if a phone number belongs to them or not.

Known for offering value-added data promos for its subscribers, TNT now has 18 starting numbers for their subscribers to choose from.

Mobile numbers of TNT(Talk ‘n Text) start with these numbers or prefixes.

How Do You Know If It’s a TNT Number?

You can easily determine if a phone number is from TNT by checking it here or by looking at the number’s first four digits. If the first four digits start with any of the numbers above, then you can say that the network of that phone number is TNT.

You can also determine if a phone number belongs to TNT or not by following the guide below.

Step-by-step guide to know if it’s a TNT number or not.

  1. Make sure the number is not in international format.
  2. If it is, just change the first two digits “63” to “0”.
  3. Now, look at the starting numbers (the first four digits).
  4. Then, see if you can find the four-digit number from the list above.
  5. If you can, then the phone number is TNT.

Other Network’s Prefix Numbers

If you cannot find the number from the above list, it might belong to another network. You can check out these prefixes to find out what network it belongs.

Getting a TNT Number With Specific Prefix

A TNT number can start with any of the prefix numbers on the list above. If you want to choose a specific TNT start number, you can simply ask the sales clerk to let you examine the available SIM cards first. Look at the first four digits of each number and decide for yourself what to get.

The most commonly chosen TNT prefixes are 0907 and 0912.