Want to know what network 0994 or 63994 belongs to? It’s a good thing you found us!
The mobile network of 0994 is DITO Telecommunity.
All mobile numbers in the Philippines that start with 0994 belong to DITO Telecommunity (assuming that the number has not gone through a Mobile Number Portability ).
0994 Prefix Number Verification
If you’re not convinced that 0994 really belongs to DITO, you can use our network checker tool to verify it. While on the page, simply enter your phone number starting with its prefix “0994”.
Hit the “Check Network” button to see its corresponding mobile network.
Is 0994 Globe or Smart?
No more wondering whether 0994 belongs to Globe or Smart. As mentioned above, 0994’s mobile network is DITO Telecommunity.
You can also check out the other DITO numbers or the prefix numbers of other networks.
Knowing the mobile network of a mobile phone number is important if you want to save on prepaid load or credits. So, before making a call or sending a text message, make sure to always check for it first here at What Network Philippines.