0956 Mobile Number: Know What Network It Belongs To

Wondering what network the prefix 0956 belongs to? Is it Globe, Smart, or DITO? Let’s unveil it together right here, right now.

The mobile network of 0956 is either Globe Telecom or TM (Touch Mobile).

Yes, the prefix 0956 can either belong to Globe or TM. You can view the list of other prefixes of Globe and TM networks using the links below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about this prefix:

Is 0956 Smart or Globe?

The prefix number 0956 belongs to the Globe network or its subsidiary.

Is 0956 Globe or TM?

Globe and TM share the same prefix number in some cases. So, 0956 can either be a Globe or TM number.

How to buy a load for 0956?

You can purchase a mobile load for a phone number starting with 0956 through Shopee or Lazada using the buttons below.